"Are you sure your desire is to one billion U.S. dollars in small bills that have not marked your basement with a bag of ten thousand dollars in small bills, with the remark," Bye! "To release you from your wife, Sheila?" The Genii looked long and hard. "Once I grant you your wish, I can not go back."
"Duh? Who does not want a billion dollars in cash and must get rid of his wife at the same time? With unique and be on the hunt again, I can not imagine all the things I can do, and all that women can do with a billion dollars in cash have, "he said, giving the thumbs to his friends. "Are not you glad we went fishing the day Nude, John?"
"Your wish is granted," the Genie says Mike with a wink.
"Oh, my God. I can not wait to go home, see all that money good," Mike said, rubbing his hands as he would a fly that had landed with a fixed amount of excretions. " Money, money, money, a billion dollars in cash. "
"Now you are," the Genie says to John. "What do you want? Who will help me, I am at your request. I'll give you one wish. Your wish is my command," said the Genie folded his arms across his chest and looked at John.
"It's easy," he said with a grin.
"Oh, Gee, there's always one in every crowd, reads Arabic literature, and who knows exactly what to wish, if time is a desire to free hand. I know what is your wish," said Dry the Genies. "It was before and after better men than you did, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Vanderbilt, Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Obama, even those bums talent, Howard Stern Howie Mandel and both stumbled upon a Genie, once in their lives. "
"Then, of course, you already know that, as my only wish, I wish," said John.
"I thought so," said the Genie, "but you can not ask for more wishes. We have a ceiling, you know. There is a limit to the number of requests that you call and give you can" said the Genie look long and hard on John. "I'll tell you what I'll do, to be fair. I'll give you three wishes, instead of one wish. This allows you to health, to wish prosperity and happiness, like all other means, without imagination, if they want anything else, after she lost her only desire for world peace, or all the hungry, or cancer. heal God, I hate to think hippies, "he said. "They're all so unselfish and so in touch with the current state of political reality."
"I wish I could ask for more thought needs," said Bob. "I would have thrown into a beautiful woman, even with my long life, one with big tits, named Crystal, Tiffany, Ellie Mae Clampett , or Elvira, if you know what I mean. "
"Me too," said Mike. "I wish I had thought to ask for more wishes. I wanted my wife, Sheila, have been my ex-wife and long gone, I would not go through an ugly divorce and give him some of my billion . "
"I hope you go to your wishes to share with us, John," said Bob.
"Yes, be a pal, John, and give each other hope," said Mike.
"Thirteen wishes, genies," said John. "My wish is to have thirteen wishes."
"I'll give you five years is that many of the wishes that -"
"A hundred wishes," said John. "I want a hundred wishes My desire is to have a hundred -."
"Okay, okay. Who will help me, I am at your request. I give you thirteen wishes. Your wish is my command," he said, crossing his arms over his chest, while glaring down at John. "You are worse than Donald Trump. Whenever he made a vow, he bought another property, renewed its stupid TV show, The Apprentice, and divorce to another, young enough to marry his daughter. Raving Beauty. "
"Thank you, Genie."
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